Agreed about Drunk Fay and vw's maturity. Not something I could do, methinks.
Sometimes I am mildly thoughtless when it comes to cleanup. Partly that's because I'm just a bit oblivious (my own dirty dish threshold is extremely high) and partly it's because cleaning up in NYC kitchens is very rarely aided by two people working - not enough space. But I'm working on it. I think GF and I will work out a system.
I downloaded stanza for my iPhone. It's great. I'm certain the kindle is better for reading, but I love having everything together and stanza is free and awesome.
You can get a Kindle app for the iPhone now, if you want access to the Amazon Kindle store. Lots more current books than most of the stores, at good prices. Not a bad deal if you like reading on the iPhone.
Ooh, poor Aims. Sending you virtual Zinc & C & feeling-as-rested-as-if-you'd-slept-12-hours-straight~ma. Hope you at least get some nice soup for lunch.
vw, I join those in the Admiring Your Maturity corner. It's so great that you can both recognize that it's Just Not There and calmly move on rather than holding on until it comes to a screaming blowup or something. Way to take care of yourselves. (edit in a smart, self-aware way, not selfish - probably unnecessary clarification, but that last sentence was reading weird).
Drunk Fay is funny.
Truer words never spoken.
I am of the firm opinion that drama-free breakups are to be lauded, and that there is no such thing as too much cleavage.
Poor Aims. I wish the work fairy would visit you with a get-out-of-ded-free card.
I'm glad to know Shir is safe, even though she's unlikely to see this.
Kristin, much ~ma for your dad. Fuck Cancer forever and ever amen.
"The Oscars were brought to you Hugh Jackman. The Bobs are brought to you by Huge Cleavage. I think you win."
yes, they did. And I wish that we'd won as well.
The cleavage was...excessive.
That is not a concept that I ascribe to.
That just sucks Kristin. It would be nice if we could catch a break somewhere along here.
Why does the Post Office make life difficult. I had a document returned, address doesn't exist sticker. Okay, fine, but why did you put the sticker OVER the address so I can't see what it was? I don't know if there was a typo or the address is just wrong. Annoying.
I'm sorry, Kristin. I hope the follow-up treatments take care of everything for your father.
ND, what would you call yourself?
Yeah, that's a straight line to end all straight lines. Like, your occupation.