Hmm. Maybe my experience is unusual, but I've done far, far more reading for my sociology M.A. than I ever did for my Eng Lit B.A. But I thought both subjects had a tendency to neglect historical background - among some professors. Not all. My disability studies professor is probably the most learned person I have ever met, and he expects a lot from his students. (It's near-impossible to have a debate with him. He knows too much.)
Edited: I should have pointed out that I was addressing that to Shir.
Edited: I should have pointed out that I was addressing that to Shir.
I was pretty sure it wasn't a commentary on beer bread. (There would be a winky emoticon here if I used them.)
I was pretty sure it wasn't a commentary on beer bread.
You don't know. It could have been. Maybe I made a lot of beer bread during my B.A. and all that reading got in the way.
Or something.
Beer bread has a long and rich history, that's for sure.
I'm not familiar with beer bread; what's it like?
I saw a recipe for beer cinnamon rolls the other day. May have to dig that up.
Huh. I love cinnamon, and most beer, but that just makes me think eww.
Okay, I'm a strong woman. I can take care of myself. I pay my bills. I change lightbulbs. I take out the trash. I'm good on my own. I can handle things.
That being said....
There is a Big Ass Wasp in my window..the inside part..and all I keep thinking is I wish there was a man around to take care of it.
There is a Big Ass Wasp in my window..the inside part..and all I keep thinking is I wish there was a man around to take care of it.
To be fair, I expect you'd probably welcome any gender of rescuer. The Girl is spider-killer in our family. I am a wuss.
Do you object to spraying them with poison until they shrivel up on the window-sill? (Wasps, that is. Not Girls.)
To be fair, I expect you'd probably welcome any gender of rescuer.
Absolutely true.
Do you object to spraying them with poison until they shrivel up on the window-sill?
1) I don't have any poison. 2) I do have a cat that I don't want to get into the poison if I did have it.
Good seems to have found its way back out the way it came in (through the screen somehow) and I have closed the window to insure no repeat entries.