I think ER work can exacerbate these selfish tendencies in the people who work in them. My SiL has worked in several ERs in her career and she was shocked by how many of the people they saw each day were not "sick." They were addicts looking for drugs
Yeah, I do understand that. But he doesn't want to separate that -- which is its own problem (drug-seekers) -- from people who don't have health insurance and can't afford to just go to the doctor when sick who then have no other choice but to use the ER as their only healthcare provider.
If preventive care were affordable (or free) for everyone, it would greatly reduce the numbers of people who use the ER as their only healthcare provider.
And I realize I'm preaching to the choir; I just can't stop thinking about it.
Charge higher premiums on people who "make bad choices"? How many alcoholic drinks per week can someone have before their premiun goes up because they're creating a higher risk for cirrhosis? What if they have a genetic/familial tendency to alcoholism? Then can they drink any alcohol, or does their premium go up if they take one drink, ever?
The Boy brought up the point that such nonsense would be a MASSIVE violation of privacy.
What about people who play sports? They have much higher risk of -- depending on the sport -- torn ACLs, traumatic brain injury, broken bones -- should they pay higher premiums? Or are certain sports exempt?
What about women? They're more likely to have complications of pregnancy (versus men), so clearly the possession of a uterus -- even if you NEVER GODDAMN USE IT -- should mean you pay a higher premium?
And fuck all those children who get cancer or severe asthma -- you KNOW how kids just get into all sorts of shit and bring their potentially fatal diseases on themselves.
My doctor "friend" is a gay man. I hope he's paying a higher premium because he's in the largest at-risk group to get infected with HIV.
What the fucking fuck, you know? I'm so goddamned angry.
Yeah, the guy's a dick. I think it's sad that ER work can add fuel to dickishness.
Speaking of assing people in the ear...
The case of a giant Mylar balloon, which ascended into the sky late last week amid fears a 6-year-old boy was aboard, has been determined to be a "hoax" and a "publicity stunt," Larimer County, Colorado, Sheriff Jim Alderden said Sunday.
The family of the Fort Collins boy, Falcon Heene, engineered the incident in order to better market themselves for a reality television show, Alderden told reporters at a news conference.
Americans have been brainwashed, Tep. This is the only explanation I can come up with.
Americans have been brainwashed, Tep. This is the only explanation I can come up with.
My best friend's fiance (the other overweight person who got a pointed look when Doctor was suggesting higher premiums for our "poor choices") is a fierce liberal, and the only thing he asked Doctor and Other Shitbag Friend was, "If a free-market healthcare system is so ideal and is the only way to have a good healthcare system, why have NO OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED NATIONS DONE IT?"
I hugged him, said, "I love you and I'm thrilled you're marrying my best friend," promised to discuss Anathem with him later, and then The Boy and I left before I started getting physically violent with the other 2 shitbags.
You should have. really tested that private coverage.
But occasionally I am callous and strange.
(hopefully in the service of a good cause.)
Women do pay higher insurance premiums (when not employer-insured), partly because of the possession of a uterus. [link]
My neighbor is an ER doc and pro health care reform. Sure, he sees a lot of idiots (ask him about home football weekends), but he also sees the kid who fell off his bike and broke his arm, and the 4 month old baby spiking a 103 fever at 3am. Okay, maybe we should prohibit 6 year olds from indulging in the dangerous lifestyle choice of no training wheels, but the baby? What did he do wrong?
What about people who play sports? They have much higher risk of -- depending on the sport -- torn ACLs, traumatic brain injury, broken bones -- should they pay higher premiums? Or are certain sports exempt?
But Tep, sports are awesome and manly! You wouldn't want to make someone pay for being extra-awesome and manly, would you??? WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA????
My feeling is, in America even assholes get free speech. Therefore, in America, even morons deserve health care. It's a fucking civil right.