I'd love to see him live. I'd likely hurt myself laughing. His movies do range from brilliant to horrible.
Congrats to Gris.
I am sitting in my house with the windows open for the first time since last Spring. It is grand. Almost chilly. Whee! eta: Checked the weather thing and it is 69F now and may get down to 59F tonight. It seemed like Autumn would never arrive.
Laura, he's going to be at the Seminole Hard Rock later this week I think.
Hmmmm, I should check into that.
"What Dreams May Come" was a brilliant piece of art direction. The writing was awful. (To be fair, I hated the book too.) It would have been better in Basque, without subtitles, or better yet in some made-up language nobody spoke, so as not to victimize the tiny minority of the world's population who speaks Basque.
Maybe they should dub it into Simlish. Or Esperanto.
I don't think I've ever been cat-called either.
Maybe it happened and I didn't notice, I can be a little oblivious.
Has billytea SEEN this? You're A Strange Animal
(assuming he doesn't WRITE it)
That article was so well written, Tep. It will be a topic of conversation in my junior English class when we do our gender unit.
Medical hivemind question... So I've had a weird couple of days. I've been feeling a bit off the past couple of days--a little nauseated, kind of dizzy (though I think those were from a missed meds dosage)--but the tired has hit me full force now. I went to bed late last night, but this morning I could not wake up. In fact, ND apparently tried to wake me up several times, and I have no memory of this. I finally managed to get up at 2 this afternoon. We ran some errands, and by the time we got back around 4:30, I was exhausted again. I fell back asleep for another two-hour nap, and now I'm ready to fall asleep again. WTF? I swear if it weren't impossible, I'd think I were pregnant or something.
Does anyone have any other possible explanations? I thought maybe mono or something, but no fever or sore throat or anything else.
That's the point where I'd POAS, just to be sure. (Like, the chances of me getting knocked up with my fertility history and my IUD are slim to none, but still, with those symptoms, I'd POAS so as to make sure that there's no antichrist gestating or something. But I'm paranoid like that.)
Maybe your iron's low?
Yeah, maybe I'll POAS just to be sure, though it seems pretty darned unlikely given history of infertility and being on the Pill. I hadn't thought of iron, though. I'll see if it gets any better the next couple of days.