Much house ~ma to Barb. I welcome our new cake-bearing neighbors! Ok, it's a bit of a drive just for cake...but for a cake orgy? That's totally worth the drive.
(still hanging on to my own personal house~ma, however, as i need that to proceeed with closing on my own potential home Oct 26th. )
{{Frisco and family}}
Woo Hoo! Congratulations, Jess! Thank you for your efforts towards World Domination. Woot!
You're welcome, Laura!
Now if someone could come over and make me a batch of these, that would be just great.
I think those are what inspired me to make the slightly massively less bad for you pumpkin cake I posted about this morning.
Which is not to say that those won't happen one day soon too.
Health and no H1N1~ma to Frisco. Poor noodle.
And a hell lot of congrats, Jessica! Yay baby chicken!
Is the staff lounge in any way small, Sparky? Can you tell him that due to that, you'd prefer he use it only during his work-related hours?
meara! The boots arrived and they fit and I luuurve them! Thank you again.