Cosmo doesn't like TOUCHING the nasty water. Just looking.
Salty...I made some really yummy salty pasta the other night. I marinated mushrooms in balsamic vinegar for a couple hours, then mixed them with olive oil, garlic, tarragon which I had let sit for a few hours. Warmed the olive oil mixed for a minute in the pasta pot, them threw it all in with red, green, and yellow peppers, rotini and grated Romano. It was yum.
Same cat would steal leftover spaghetti right off your plate.
One of my cats was largely indifferent to human food, with the exception of cheetos, which a pet sitter discovered as she was about to put one in her mouth, only to get a paw instead.
A roommate had a cat that
toast. She would sometimes swat the toast right out of your hand, pick it up and run and hide somewhere we couldn't get her so she could eat her toast in peace.
If you were wary and watching her, she'd sometimes attempt to sneak around to your other side to try again to get your toast. It's funny when cats try to outwit you....
My cat is another one who's indifferent to people food, other than potato and macaroni salad (I think she likes the mayo), and she'll also lick the Ben & Jerry's lid. However, I did find out just last week that she enjoys Brown's fried chicken.
She also likes to sit on the sink and watch the toilet flush, and is occasionally curious about what the hell I'm doing in the shower (she'll meow very plaintively from the sink and occasionally might peek around the curtain until she gets hit with a spray of water, then she's gone).
Said roomie DID set her bed on fire during sex.
What, I can't believe that no one else asked.
What, I can't believe that no one else asked.
I just assumed someone was careless with a magnifying glass while the sun was shining through a window....
eta: Or, three words: Too many sparklers....
Yeah, I kinda don't want to know. Unless it involves a lot of friction, it can't possibly be a good story.
It involves a loft bed, candles and motion.
She looked up and saw flames. After she figured out they were real, not metaphorical, her swain, newly met that very evening, gallantly picked up the flaming pillow and dashed the thing to death, extinguishing the fire. Unfortunately, the hot polyester stuck to his hands, involving many trips to the kitchen, nude, for ice.
I was home from the party before my roommate, slept through the whole damn thing, and went into my roomie's room, prepared to decontruct the party over coffee, stared blearily at the clothes, linens and charred bits all over the place and was convinced for about 5 minutes that Lisa had spontaneously combusted.
My dad bought her a fire extinguisher for her birthday. She never quite forgave me for telling him that story.
Is this where I make a joke about rubbing two boy scouts together?
My cat loves hummus. Also spaghetti sauce. And he loves it when I let the faucet run. I'm still learning his quirks.