Although a roommate in college had a Siamese that was the biggest stoner -- she would exhale a hit, and the cat would just about crawl in her mouth, sniffing away and then yowl plaintively for her belly to the rubbed.
Gee, mine does the same if I'm sucking on a peppermint mint! She's just a 'nip junkie, I guess (same family as mint).
My kitty does that after I brush my teeth. I don't think she likes catnip, though.
And she
wants her belly rubbed. If I'm just petting her, she'll try to move her back legs around my hand/wrist, to direct my hand to her belly.
The cat liked catnip, too. All the cats I've lived with except one have liked it. The one...well, it might as well have been basil.
My cats now don't like any type of smoke, but will walk through fire for some nip.
Bay-bee! That sounds very fetching indeed. Thanks, hon! I have nothing better to do than get all dolled up to walk to the tobacco store right now. It's fun, but I need to go somewhere with someone to be fetched.
Although the fetching is all play and no lay at this point in my recovery. I admit, I am curious about the post-hysterectomy sex thang. What will change? Anything? Nothing? My doctor said orgasm shouldn't be affected, but who knows? Does anyone have any first-hand or good info on this? I am physically not ready at all to, er, ask myself these questions, but I am a bit wondery.
It looks pretty damned cute dyed fuck-you red under a beret with a circle brooch pinned to the temple.
This clearly requires photographic evidence, you know.
The one...well, it might as well have been basil.
My one cat LOVES basil! Also, spinach and really any kind of greens. Goes crazy for the stuff! And catnip.
Hee. For a woman who BF owns a photo studio, I have few current pix. Oh, well, I need a project. I plan to go out and do SOMETHING involving people this weekend, even if I only last a couple of hours: I'll have some pix taken and put them up somewhere.
I've also -- mirabile dictu! -- lost weight. Like, I weigh less than I have since...1996? I'm not skinny, by any means, but I feel sassy. Well, in five minute increments.
My cat likes to check out my mouth after dinner, just to see what he was deprived of. I keep reminding him not to lick my teeth, though I don't mind a nose bump.
My one cat LOVES basil!
Our cat loves the nip, for sure, but his biggest fascination is water. He wound up sitting on the edge of the tub during Sara's bath the other night, looking distinctly jealous.
My one cat LOVES basil! Also, spinach and really any kind of greens.
Really? That's so odd. My cats are very conservative -- fish, ice cream and chicken for Gimlet, but my former stray, Cosmo, is surprisingly finicky -- fish only.
I had a cat that liked Saltines and pototo chips, and my mom and dad's dog likes green olives.
He wound up sitting on the edge of the tub during Sara's bath the other night, looking distinctly jealous
Cosmo does that, and also perches on the rim of the toilet and watches the water spiral down with Zenlike concentration.