Also, my shoulder is killing me. I woke up with it hurting, went to physical therapy where I told them it was hurting, and they worked with it there, and it's just been getting worse all day. It might have calmed down if I'd just come back home after PT, but I had a million other things I needed to do today. And now, ow. Major ow.
I know that the physical therapy is helping in the long run. Short term, though, ow.
Ron Kovic is here. He's watching the wrestler.
Barack knew something terrible had happened to the time-space continuum, but he just couldn’t put his finger on it:
And this image from the Australian fires made my allergies act up: [link]
Harvey cat agrees with me about the Koala.
And this image from the Australian fires made my allergies act up: [link]
I love that one, the way the koala has his paw on the man's hand.
java, the old car needs a metric assload of repairs we can't currently afford
Ah, got it. I hadn't realized that you hadn't already sold the other car.
I got my blood drawn this morning (in the midst of a rat-tastic cold, dammit) to find out why I've had utterly no energy for over two months. The doc's guess is thyroid disease. That's something I just take a pill for, yeah?
The doc's guess is thyroid disease. That's something I just take a pill for, yeah?
Depends on what the cause of the thyroid problem is, but for the most common causes, you just need to take a pill.
Thanks, Hil. I hope it's that easy.
Oh, if you get sent to get an ultrasound of your thyroid, be aware that, in order to get one of the views, they need to press the ultrasound thing hard enough that it cuts off your airway for a few seconds. When I went for that, the tech didn't warn me, and I totally freaked out. Not breathing! Not breathing bad!