I just had a completely casual meeting with the Big Boss and His Boss and I was sweating like a pig for no good reason. I hope they didn't notice.
If a man colors his hair is it polite to tell him he looks good or are you supposed to pretend you didn't notice? Let's say this man is your boss's boss.
~ma to your hubby, Connie
Well, they at least let 666HZ into the system, but when I just tried to pay for 666KHZ or 666MHZ they both got kicked out as being taken. I suspect they are too close to the 666HZ that I just ordered and now I can't get them. Back to the drawing board for the other truck. This is a case of first world problems for certain.
How about "DBSOUND", or "666DB"?
There was a while when there was hail - all brown and icky pellets. I hope you stay safe, Cash and Sail, and everyone else in the path of this crud.
DBSOUND is taken , but 666DB is available. I'm going to try for it. Works on two levels. It references the decibel scale and is an oblique call to Diablo.
Post Toasties.
When I got to the final payment it tells me 666DB isn't available. This is the problem with a state that has so many cars.
That would work if I flipped the truck.
Or put the plates on upside-down.
How about putting the DB first? DB666.