Dude, where IS everybody?
::waves to Emily::
I'm sitting at home, underemployed, planning my trip to LA this weekend to do the Tom Waits Tour, Mark 2 (post-financial collapse).
We had a going-away party for JZ's mom yesterday. There was an event at her bookstore and tons of people showed up; very gratifying for her.
It's rainy and dreary in San Francisco, and I'm about to make more coffee and go watch
Wristcutters: a Love Story
on Tivo.
(I've been wanting to see the movie since it came out, but it's only just now rolling around to cable. It's a black comedy about suicides living in purgatory, and hence features lots of Tom Waits. Amusingly, the number one hit song in purgatory is "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division.)
I so long to be independently wealthy. Of course, I'd probably be expected to keep my house clean or something.
except for vw, who developed some kind of localized immunity through living with me.
Ok. I'm leaving the house. This time with actual clothes on. I double-checked!
I so long to be independently wealthy. Of course, I'd probably be expected to keep my house clean or something.
I would so settle on being
wealthy. In either case, somebody else cleans your house for you.
I'm at work. Sinus's are raging at me. I so totally don't wanna be here.
I have been swamped this morning with requests, so I'm not really here, but for those of you keeping track at home w/r/t my joy at finding reasons to reject graduation speakers, a name that came up this a.m., who I'm sure the Dean was thinking was a "safety" choice because s/he graduated from this institution, is actually a name that comes up as being someone who should be prosecuted for war crimes relating to what happened at Gitmo. Not exactly the kind of thing Deans want associated with their schools!
Not exactly the kind of thing Deans want associated with their schools!
Ha! Very relatedly, the students at one of the law schools around here are protesting Mukasey as a graduation speaker because of his stance on torture. (For extra irony-sauce, the undergrad graduation speaker at said school is Desmond Tutu.)
They are what they say, couches made from scratched and dinged coffins that weren't sold. They're kind of pretty.
They are what they say, couches made from scratched and dinged coffins that weren't sold. They're kind of pretty.
I think they're amazingly nifty, but Pete says NO. Hmmph.
Hey, where do we ask questions about the Wii Fit? Is it here, or is it in the Gaming thread? I'm sure I've seen discussions in both places.
I think they're amazingly nifty, but Pete says NO
I sometimes think the Great and Glowery One is lacking proper whimsy. Or maybe he used it all up when he married you.