I went to the doc today and discovered I have a sinus infection. In addition to the antibiotics, she strongly recommended a sinus rinse and asked if I had ever heard of a neti pot. Thanks to y'all, I could say yes.
I didn't get a neti pot, but got a sinus rinse thing she recommended and MAN that is an odd feeling. I'll keep trying it - the air is so dry here, it is kinda nice to moisten things up.
I am currently stuck onstage, babysitting an important video cable that went bad just before curtain. This sucks. Whenever I have to do something during the show, it usually means something bad has happened. The cable will need to be replaced, or at the very least reterminated, but that will have to wait for tomorrow.
Wow, quiet overnight. I hope that means people actually slept.
I was guessing server outage. I'm a sad, pessimistic person.
Or, alternatively, I've just spent half an hour getting my wireless working after moving my media center around. Whichever.
Well, I actually seem to have developed a habit of going to bed around midnight - very odd for me.
And Shir, I know you are too busy right now to post, but I'm thinking of you.
So should I just go ahead and friend my nephews on Facebook?
Hubby wants to go see "Twilight" at the dollar movie. Serious. I pissed him off by saying, "Good lord, no," when he said it, because I thought he was joking when he said, "I want to see Twilight."
"It intrigues me," he said. "I know you don't want to see it because your board thinks it's horrible."
No, I don't want to see it, because I have no interest in it. I am so boggled that he wants to see it. Well, it will involve popcorn.
My physical therapist mentioned yesterday that my top rib seemed out of place, and now I keep feeling my ribs and collarbone, and the left and right sides are definitely uneven -- the collarbone sticks out way more on the left than on the right.
People shouldn't tell me these things. I obsess.
Heh. At the dollar theater I might be willing, just to make fun of it.
I was not on late last night because I was felled by a migraine. I was SUPPOSED to go out dancing. Got migraine. Tried to take meds and a nap and meet up with friends later. Slept through friends' first text. Heard second text an hour later, responded with a resounding "yeah, so not meeting you, sorry". Sigh. Ended up sleeping 14 hours (after waking up in the middle of the night and taking MORE meds).
Damnit, I was at LEAST hoping that going to bed at 8:30PM would mean I'd wake UP early. GRRRR.