I still think they're insane. But Laga, if you're ever in this part of the country when they go camping, you are welcome to join them.
Insanity definitely has something to do with it. Like, if your friend fell asleep on the picnic table and there is frost on his eyebrows, why not wake him up by backing up the hatchback to the table, opening the hatch, and blasting Scottish pipes at the car stereo's maximum volume?
Huh. Didn't expect my nap to be quite that long.
I want dinner. I don't want to move my shoulder. (After PT, those muscles are so tired that pretty much any movement is too much effort.) There doesn't seem to be any way to get food that doesn't involve moving my left arm.
DH's interview report. actually , he saw 3 different people today ( that makes a dozen for those of us counting) , but they did ask for references. Also -- he is starting to get some more calls from other places....
Job hunting is so weird.
I found frozen pizza for dinner. Still hungry, though.
I'd invite you for lasagna , but it is a long way....
Followup on ow post:
Thank goodness I am wearing sweatpants. My regular pants would have required mending.
We've had some warm days, in which snow melted, followed by some cold days in which the puddle at the bottom of our back steps has frozen.
Today it started snowing so I got gloves and hat on, and thrust my feet into tennis shoes to go out and retrieve the 60 gallon recycle bin and the 40 gallon trash bin from the curb.
Of course, being that I am doing a cleanup project at home, I grabbed two old computer carcasses to bring out to my van, first.
I stepped out and set the two computers on the top landing, then closed the back door. CD-rom drives removed, the two computer towers had handy handles, so I grabbed one in each hand and decided to not take our side path, and instead set out to walk across the lawn to the van.
And put my left foot right on the snow-covered ice.
I knew it was a mistake as I did it.
A man my size should not do the splits, especially while holding two twenty-pound computers.
Luckily I halted the full splits by jamming the two computers down hard and bracing.
The initial muscle spasm is gone, but I'm going to feel this later.
ETCorrect: take, not toke.
So, hotlinking: I don't want to do that. But I'm a bit of a luddite. If I want to snag an animated icon somebody has made on LJ, is there a way I can do that that doesn't involve me owning my own lump of internet space? Because...I don't own my own lot of internet space. I can't keep it in the scrapbook bit of LJ, can I? Or Facebook? Or, or...oh, God, I NEED THESE ICONS!!!! LIKE A NEEDY THING THAT NEEDS!
t /firstworldLudditegeeklywoes
Fay, is it a profile icon? Cause can't you just download that to your computer, and then upload it through the icon interface or whatever-it's-called?