I've got renters insurance for $42K/$250 deductible. I only pay $130 per year. But, I also live in a moderately sized city, brick construction, decent neighborhood, no earthquakes, etc. I also get a good deal through my union.
Yeah, my apartment is wood, so that probably hurts.
I threw some numbers around and discovered that $20,000 would not be an unreasonable amount to replace EVERYTHING in my apartment. I estimated a few thousand dollars in TV-on-DVD alone. And if you throw in books and comics and CDs, it starts to add up. I have no idea how much my clothes cost. But then there's all my kitchen stuff, too.
In car news, aaargh. When I bought the car, we pointed out a scratch on the door. They said they'd have it fixed; I even signed something that said they would take care of it. I was told I could come back the next Saturday. Except I called the Service department, and they don't do body work on Saturday. I would have to bring it in on a weekday. No later than 2. The place is in San Jose. I am going to kill everyone. This was supposed to be simple.