I need to get rental insurance. I'll do that next week.
I found out one of my coworker's was robbed last year, her house was broken into while she was out of town,but the thieves only stole her clothes, shoes, and toiletries and left all the electronics, which made it weird (the police said it was probably women). She had insurance but she said it's been hard trying to replace her wardrobe, she has to wait until things are in season and take time to shop. Stuff like that.
I suppose I should worry more about robbery. If it got around how many of the good drugs Hubby has in stock, loons would show up. If they're willing to knock over a drug store . . .
I wonder if renter's insurance would cover clean up after shooting/stabbing someone trying to rob you.
I am so damned tired and have worked my ass off all day, yet somehow my to do list has gotten longer rather than shorter. I hate when that happens.
{{{Kristin}}} try not to push yourself too hard.
Ay. Had interview. Was not good. BigBoss hated me. Now must attempt to craft useful thank you/follow up letter pointing out that clearly she misunderstood and YES I do have the experience and skills to do this job. BLAH. PotentialManager also was kind meh on me. ActualPotentialPeers liked me, though. But if bosses are a NO, I don't think that gets me far. Sigh. There would, though, be a second interview, so I'd have more of an opportunity to sense if PotentialManager is just OK or possibly cool, but...I was hoping I could tell if she was awesome right off the bat. That would've made things so much easier...damnit!
I've got my 2nd interview ~ma cued up & ready to send, meara.
Oy. Just stumbled on a conservative blog while googling to find that Rachael Ray Dunkin Donuts ad. Apparently, a Muslim mother trying to reach an agreement with her 10-year-old son's school about trying to find a place for him to pray (the school offered a corner of the playground during recess, she says that he's afraid kids will make fun of him if he prays in front of them) is actually about CREEPING SHARIAH LAW! In all caps, too. This is how "they" take over your country.
Oy for sure. Stop reading the comments!
So yeah, what was that about cancer we always say? Fuck cancer, was it? Well fuck cancer, indeed.
My sister had her follow up scan yesterday after her iodine radiation last June. They found thyroid tissue. So today she had a second round of iodine radiation. Another 8 months and another scan before she can even think about trying to start her family.
Fucking ugh.