Sparky, I'm sorry you are having rest-interrupting nasal ickiness during your pregnancy.
Thanks. It's really very common, and shouldn't annoy me so much, but at 4 a.m. when I can't get back to sleep because of sneezing and both my DH and my dog are happily sleeping through every ah-choo!, I really, really want to give 'em a kick.
{{{Sparky}}} I want to kick TCG everytime he turns over and falls right to sleep (and stays asleep) while I toss and turn all night.
t waves palm fronds
I suppose that's a good thing, and will keep me from becoming an alcoholic. But dayum, if ever there was a reason to drink, my mother is a good one.
"I'll come back when I want it, not when I need it." - Hawkeye
Happy Birthday to the lovely Beverly!
Happy Birthday Beverly!!
Sparky - have you tried alternating hot and cold compresses? it worked really well for me.
Happy Birthday Beverly!!
I'm glad folks got more sleep and continuing sleep~ma for those that's still having problems.
I get to wait around for the cable guy today. Not that I have anywhere to go, but I chafe at the collar!! ::sob::