So, I'm on the phone with my SiL, who is complaining about my mother. She went a couple weeks without stopping in to make mom take a bath or do dishes. So SiL checked in with her today, and ended up throwing up twice because of how mom's kitchen smelled.
And my brother has been laid off, so now they won't be able to afford to buy extra groceries for mom. Carla has a plan to make mom take advantage of food pantries to help out. But she is wanting to know if I'll be willing to help out, if mom needs help. Of course I am. Except then Carla mentions that mom has been spending a lot of time with her ex-husband (the one who helped her lose the house my dad bought and paid for) including making meals for him.
So I have to amend my answer, to "not if so much as a crumb ends up in Brad's mouth". Carla said that she really laid into mom about that, and she is pretty sure that will do the trick, for a while at least.
Meara, I think it is reasonable to do without a reference from current work place - many people who are currently employed but hunting for a new job prefer to keep the job hunt a secret from the current employer. And then again, there are the companies whose personnel policy forbids giving references, but will only confirm dates of employment.
I've got charter here in Pasadena for TV and broadband and I've been really happy with them. I've been with them for 11 years now I think. Actually I guess I've been with them for about 9 years, the first couple of years it was Marcus Cable before Charter purchased them.
If you can get a current co-worker/client it is fine. If the new job is different, you might add that you are looking for another job because you want more contact with your coworkers ( team player, don't ya know) .
gutters were cleaned team effort) , dishes were done, newbery class logged into,dinner made, story time prepped , book club ( the 4th to 6th grade one I run) prepped, and I did a bunch of preliminary searches thru craigslist and other job sites for matt.
possibly I will do the dishes.
But I think I need rum.
I envy the ability to take a half ambien -- but I need the CR formula -- which must be taken whole. Even if I take it at 8 -- I'm never fully awake until after 10. No good if I must do anything in the am.
Quick! Nobody say anything COMMable! We are currently without COMM. We are COMMless.
Quick! Nobody say anything COMMable! We are currently without COMM. We are COMMless.
Please accept my sincerest COMMiserations.
Everyone's scroll key broken? Oh well, first time I ever made the first post in a thread.
In other words, it's not pinin'! It's passed on! That COMM is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet it's maker! It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed it to the board it'd be pushing up the daisies! It's metabolic processes are now 'istory! It's off the twig! It's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off it's mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THAT IS AN EX-COMM!!
The new Commm is there, just at the bottom of site tools instead of the top. The old Comm is now with the standard threads.
The old COMM is in the Closed Thread folder.