sniff. Damn allergies. Who knew high school students with good sportsmanship would be such a trigger.
I say yes to a good night's sleep for all, tonight. Says I, who actually slept from 12:30 to 8am, about 2hrs on either end longer than usual. Sorry if I bogarted anyone's sleep.
Sleep~ma for all the insomniacs.
{{vw}} What everyone else has said. You aren't the problem, you're trying to fix it, stand pat.
IOmeN, Charter cable is a big ripoff. With the digital divide starting yesterday, they've gone and cut my expanded basic back to basic saying that's all I'm paying for. Yeah, because I have internet and part of the package was getting expanded basic for the price of basic. Now, in order to get what I was getting, I have to get a digital box and pay for the expanded basic. I'll do it, but I'm going to look into seeing what else is out there, maybe Dish.
With the digital divide starting yesterday, they've gone and cut my expanded basic back to basic saying that's all I'm paying for.
I thought that was pushed back till June? Check, they have a lot of info on the digital tv thing and I believe they have a bunch of stuff on Charter.
I will check it out Nora, thanks!
t heart
The Consumerist!
Officially the D TV switch was pushed back but some tv stations are switching anyway. I think all of the local ones here have been running things that say "the Feds said it could wait til June but we're doing this anyway."
Yeah, Consumerist said it was pushed to June. I may have heard that, but totally forget. My last cable bill had the Feb. 17 date as when it was going to have it. Speaking of, does anyone have recommendations for a service provider who bundles? I'm thinking I may as well switch to a different service where I can get a better deal and better service, Cable is at the bottomof the list on Consumerist.
This particular version is meant for opening myself up to getting an actual job after being on my own for 14 years. Profile addy is good.
Bonnie, your profile addy is not currently an actual e-mail.
Okay, I hereby banish insomia and am going to bed! Hope everyone else is equally successful.
sleep bitches - haz good sleep tonight.