There are people wrong on the internet! There are people wrong on the internet!! And they are in my class and I can't call them crack-smoking, wrongheaded bigots from hell cause then who will do the peer edits on my papers????
Honey, breathe. Seriously, let them be wrong. Because you are the Empress.
CBD, posting on behalf of vw bug: Hour seven in the ER. This sucks.
my hotel room is freezing. OK, freezing for me, which probably means just bloody cold for everyone else. The wall unit A/C is a smidge too small for the sleeve, so cold air is coming in faster than the heater can heat it. Plus, there seems to be a slight gap between the floor and wall under the window. Again, cold air seeping in. I'm the first to admit, I've been Californianized, and I feel a draft like no tomorrow. But when the crutches are still frigid cold to the touch from sitting on the floor for a couple hours, with the heater blasting, I think that might be a problem.
yikes! CBD & VW! {{{{ }}}} Have VW get better soon. When I suggested in her LJ to take a sic day, this is *not* what I meant.
Thanks for the update, CBD. {{{you & vw}}}
Ouch, CBD. Omnis, I know it's late, but I'd call down and get them to switch you to another room. Tomorrow at least.
Jeez, that sucks for vw! Thanks for the update, CBD.
CBD, posting on behalf of vw bug: We think they just gave VW something helpful (finally).
Thanks for the update, CBD. Much relief~ma for vw. I'm so glad that you are there for her.
Poor vw!
And from earlier, there was plenty of dogfood and Ellie can reach it. I have no idea why cheerios but at least she didn't put them in the water. My dogs were thrilled.