I second the patience~ma, as I don't want this week to zoom by too fast. Lots to do and see.
Hil! Tell that shoulder of yours to behave. We got some visiting to do!
Laga, good luck! What console does D have? If it's 360, maybe we can jam online when I get back, now that mine is back from the repair shop.
In me observations: I'm loading up the iPhone with movies and music for the trip. It has done something I've never seen before. It says 0kb free space! I'VE FILLED 'ER TO THE TOP! Dude! How perfect is that. Of course, that means I gotta watch at least one episode of LOST before I land, to make room for pictures.
OK, I really gotta pack.
I'd do the pirate restaurant with Jilli and Pete.
Can I come?
kicks matter transporter. mutters imprecations.
We have a wii and it's not connected to the internet.
guess I won't be jammin' with you then (and by jammin', I mean taking the plastic guitar and jamming into the floor in frustration ;)
I think I'm packed. Except for the bathroom stuff in the morning.
Oh, ugh. I think I have the GI thing that's been going around my office.
Safe travels, omnis. Patience for you, beth.
Good gods is it early. You'd think after two and a half years of this commute I'd be used to it, but no. I hate having to be up before 6. Even sleeping to 6:30 would be more humane.
morning all. To start my travels, the snooze demons were bad. Thankfully the traffic & parking gods were good. I got to the remote parking lot within 90 min of departure! And I was all proud of myself for remembering to do everything. Then I looked at my watch, or rather my empty wrist, and learned of the first forgotten thing. At least I have the iPhone for time checks.
Am safetly on the plane watching people board. Hopefully we will take off on time. Wheeee!!