Exacalibur in Vegas now has a rule saying we can't do that anymore.
I have a feeling that horse-obsessed and Arthurian-legend-obsessed tween was probably the stage of my life where I could most appreciate Medieval Times. I think that nowadays I'd be too nitpicky to really have fun.
Ok, thinking about Pete at pirate-themed dinner theater makes me want to go even more! We could always send the boys elsewhere and go ourselves if we wanted to, though.
New York doesn't have a pirate-themed restaurant, but it does have a ninja-themed one.
We play poker with cast/crew from the Castle.
When I was in SoCal, and my Dad & his prim/proper gf came visiting, my sister & I talked them into going to M Times. We wanted to go there because of the eat with fingers thing, since dads gf never eats with fingers. Fried chicken. French fries. Everything. Yes, we are evil.
Ion. Waiting for UPS to deliver my fixed xbox. I get the feeling they will ring the bell as soon as I visit the loo.
New York also has a Jekyll and Hyde themed restaurant: [link] . We went there once on a field trip in high school -- there was some photography exhibit at ICP, and the advanced photo students (about 20 of us) went to the exhibit and then to lunch at Jekyll and Hyde.
Chicago used to have (of course) a Capone-themed dinner show. That no one I know ever went to.
The guys who started Mediaeval Times are now putting together another line of similar-themed places internationally, including in Majorca, where the husband of one of my bookstore managers is currently training the locals on jousting and other mediaeval fighting methods. He's been there going on six months already, but just re-signed his contract since they haven't had much success in getting decent locals to train (very few people there know how to ride a horse at any level of expertise). My manager wants to whip together a decent marketing package for them, and is thinking about putting together a proposal for a contract for that so she can spend some time with her hubby.
New car pictures!
Sweet ride! Me and my increasingly hoopty (but still basically v. reliable) Protege are jealous!
Big brown truck pulls up. Delivery guy walks to my alley (4 apartments), and proceeds to walk UP the stairs (not my apartment)... TEASE! I want my Xbox so I can get a hair cut! He said he'd be back in about 30 minutes. It's on the other truck.