C'mon, brain-of-Olmert. For once in this term, work.
I would love to see a small Pennsylvania town renamed Brain-of-Olmert.
PETA has gone way 'round the bend. They've decided that people eat fish because they're called fish. So to keep people from yanking fish out of the fishy sea and eating their fishy flesh, fish shall from hereon be known as...no shit..."sea kittens".
Heh. I find it strangely pleasing that their box entitled "Sea Kitten Facts" is completely blank. Of course, the industry is happy to rename fish to make people more likely to eat them (Patagonian toothfish, anyone?). PETA might like to lose the insanity and ponder why the renaiming shtick works for the fisheries.
I looooove it when some big off-leash dog comes bounding over and the owner yells "(S)he's friendly!" then my dog barks her head off and I get to say, "Yeah, she's not."
Wallybee is actively phobic with respect to dogs. (Though she's been improving, and her mum is way worse.) Off-leash dogs are not our friends. (Ok, they're not her friends. They tend to be my friends.)
"Will This Financial Collapse Be Worse Than The Great Depression? Will You Have To Eat Your Children?"
Why? Have we already finished off the available supply of Irish children?
It's sad - you could replace "animal rights" and "PETA" in that sentence with almost any cause and fringe activist group and it would be just as true.
Not to mention Christianity.
Not to mention my family. Most people's families, I suspect.
There's a church over in my mom's neck of the woods whose steeple has blown off the building at least three times. I don't even know how that's possible, but at least one of those times I've driven by and there it was, lying in the yard next to the church.
There was a Medieval tradition in some part of Germany to get a bellringer ringing the bells in the church steeple whenever there was a thunderstorm. It lasted until a bishop checked the church death records and discovered how many of them had been electrocuted.
An ancient writer (I forget who) also noted that Jupiter, god of (among other things) lightning, seemed inordinately fond of striking his own temples.
ION, for those who are looking at a career change, there's a vacancy looking after a tropical island: [link]