According to several former employees, PETA encourages its employees to date omnivores and try to get them to become vegan. (Which really fits in with most of their recent advertising, which has essentially been "These hot naked women want you to stop eating meat!")
"Okay, how about we start a eugenics program?"
"And how do we do that, Phil?"
"Well, you know Karen? The one with the hair?"
"She made that awesome flyer about how cows mate for life or something, right?"
"Yeah. Anyway. Wouldn't you want to fuck her?"
"Hells, yeah, dude! But so?"
"Would you stop eating meat to fuck her?"
"I already don't eat meat."
"Yeah, but if you did."
"Hmmm...I see your point. But I don't get..."
"What if we got her to date an omnivore...?"
"...granted, and then she could
convert him!"
"I see. And if they have kids..."
"Instant vegan! Just add social engineering and some wine in a box."
If I see a fish with the head of kitten I, for one, am not eating it.
If I see a fish with the head of kitten I, for one, am not eating it.
Me, either. But I'd probably kill it and deliver its body to UNC (or possibly the EPA) for further research.
SO far today I have had an insulation guy aorund to give me an estimate, shoveled the walk, had breakfast, gone for a two hour nap and had lunch. I am ready, frankly for another nap.
I don't foresee myself swimming up to a fish and exclaiming, "YOU'RE A KITTY!" At least, not without the aid of dementia.
Fish are friends, not food!
(Sorry. Couldn't resist.)
The most eye-rolly PETA thing I've seen lately was them having some women in yellow bikinis stand outside KFC with signs saying "KFC tortures chicks." (There was some Fox News commentator who responded to this by saying that there's no way that those women were vegan as claimed, because everyone knows vegans are ugly.)
Fish are friends, not food!
Kittens, OTOH, are poker chips.
PETA has gone way 'round the bend.
When was PETA on this side of the bend?