Mona = SO CUTE.
MR is also an object lesson in DON'T RANDOMLY DECIDE TO BECOME A BOXER. If you want your face to live, that is.
CF seems like he should be repulsive, but I find him oddly charming, and he's so madly in love with and proud of his kid (and also very open about his son's struggles, rather than glossing them over), so he winds up on the Awww, Colin! end of things.
WTF was J-Lo wearing???
Also, Cameron Diaz.
Mona is one extremely cute doggie!
And it wasn't only boxing that screwed up Rourke's face. He's had scads of bad surgery. When my friend used to date him, he would tell her all the time how ugly he felt. And he also hit her a few times, so I am not really a fan of his.
When my friend used to date him, he would tell her all the time how ugly he felt.
Was this after the botched surgery?
he also hit her a few times
That is ugly.
The Unit is hella random tonight.
Nope, it was before the botched surgeries, ita. Friend was Carrie (before it became "Carre") Otis, who used to hang in the same music circles (world beat) as me when we were teens. We kept in touch through the "Wild Orchid" days and a little afterwards. (The last email I got from her, she was teaching yoga in Santa Monica and was planning to move to Marin.) Anyway, she loved him but their relationship was some crazy-ass bullshit.
I wonder if the surgery got him what he wanted. It sure looked like they did more damage than the boxing.
I highly recommend reading the Onion AV Club's GG Liveblog. Just don't take a big sip of coffee first.
I do not recommend that anyone see either Slumdog Millionaire or Revolutionary Road. I thought they were both pretty sad wastes of my time. (But everyone should buy the Slumdog soundtrack, which is MADE OF WIN.) (And I do think Kate & Leo give great performances in RR, but the script they're being asked to perform is dire. It's like Mad Men with the show:tell ratio completely reversed.)
How long ago was it that Victor witnessed Leo and his entourage being entitled jackasses in public?
Leo almost ran over my friend while riding a bicycle in Battery Park this past summer.
the script they're being asked to perform is dire. It's like Mad Men with the show:tell ratio completely reversed.
Do you think that's a product of the material they were working from to start with Jess? I couldn't help but note as I read the novel that the style has a certain distance built into it, in the telling and I wondered if that was because of when the novel was written (1961) or if it was a technique that Yates employed because the story was so gut-wrenching he maybe felt the reader needed a bit of distance to be able to take it in. I couldn't help but wonder if he was writing the book today if he wouldn't go for a bit more visceral, intimate style of writing.
I just skipped over the GG commentary, forgive me. But I was way too tired last night to even think of watching, and then I was so uncomfortable that I couldn't get to sleep for a long time, too.
That's three nights in a row with a sleeping pill, too. But two of them were at my Mom's too crowded, -- and thanks to thoughtless relatives -- too loud, apartment.
Do you think that's a product of the material they were working from to start with Jess?
I haven't read the novel, so I couldn't say. All I know is I hated almost every second of it. It was like being hit repeatedly over the head by someone's thesis statement.