Anybody want to see the inside of a Mormon temple? At least a few rooms? There's a new one nearly finished near here, and there's always an open house where the plebians can get a look before they dedicate it.
It's a little less rococo than some I've seen, but I like rococo.
DH leaves at 5:30 am tomorrow to go to the Detroit Auto Show for three days. In the afternoon I take the five-hour English CSET (which is useless for now, as it looks highly likely that they may not offer the program I want to enter) in the afternoon then go home and enter a coma. Sunday, house-cleaning, taking the dogs to the dog park and watching various saved movies on TiVo ("Pollyanna" here I come!).
Oh Jesse - we need a couple of things from Costco. Wondering when I could maybe go with you.
ION - I finally found the theme from "Come and Get It with Peter Russell Clarke" that I have been looking for (watched it nightly when I lived in Australia in 1987).
Oh Jesse - we need a couple of things from Costco. Wondering when I could maybe go with you.
Whenever works for you, really.
OK. I am officially done working. I finally remembered that email works for all the follow-up calls I've been avoiding, had a meeting that devolved into a lengthy discussion of Oprah and weight and etc., and now I'm just done. DONE.
I wish I was done working.
Well, I may be done working, even though I am still at work, since I'm only poking around the internets.
Relatedly, Jessica Alba is looking not so good these days.
I love the conversation the Fug Girls make her have with January Jones: [link]
Also, I am reminded how January Jones is the coolest name ever. She should be played by Pam Grier.
Tonight: Watch DVDs and have some cocktails
Tomorrow: Go to MiL's for homemade lasagna (she usually has it for Christmas Eve and freezes one for New Year's Day but we were out of town for CE and I was laid up on NYD so we get it now)
Sunday: Nothing - yay!
I'm trying to put together a list of all my DVDs so I'll have them for insurance purposes. It's actually pretty hard to recall exactly what's at home!! I think I'll print out this (definitely partial) list and then check it against my shelves. I should also update my Library Thing account with my book purchases of the past year. Oh, and come up with a similar list of my CDs while I'm loading them onto my MP3 player.
Now I've got my laptop, I can finally download my digital camera software on it and run around taking pictures of all my stuff for my renters' insurance. I read all these stories about people's houses/apartment buildings going up in flames (especially at this time of year), and freak out about my policy coverage.