Much peace and coping~ma to Lewis's family, Barb, and blessings on his uncle's memory.
Jess, your sister is awesome and clearly has an awesome job. And wow, even in that fuzzy little YouTube vid she is so very much your sister! Hand gestures, the way she moves, the shape of her face, the tilt of her head--totally JessiKin.
ION, bleargh. Feh on my state hanging onto refunds (though I understand how dire things are; it's just that our wee refund will make no dent at all in the state budget but would mean so much to ours), and feh on the quarterly statement I got yesterday from my retirement plan. My personal fund lost 21% of its value between 10/1 and 12/31. Bleargh bleargh bleargh. Retirement at 72, here I come.
Okay, so who among us wants a Barackberry now?
Hee! I had the same thought, sumi.
I bet the BarackBerry has copy-paste...
Ha. I bet it doesn't, because what if you forgot what was in your copy buffer and pasted it into the WRONG EMAIL!@!? Woes.
Seriously, though, I need a BarackBerry. For reals.
Barb, I'm so sorry. Condolences to Lewis and the whole family.
There's a "baracker the berry" joke here, but I can't make it funny OR non-racist. It really should be at least one. Ah well.
Ah. Scandal fatigue continues to afflict me....
Former NSA Analyst: NSA ‘Monitored All Communications’ Of Americans, Targeted Journalists
Last night on MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann,” former analyst for the National Security Agency Russell Tice revealed that the NSA had “monitored all communications” of Americans and specifically targeted journalists:
TICE: The National Security Agency had access to all Americans’ communications — faxes, phone calls, and their computer communications. And it didn’t matter whether you were in Kansas, in the middle of the country, and you never made any foreign communications at all. They monitored all communications. […] But an organization that was collected on were U.S. news organizations and reporters and journalists.
OLBERMANN: To what purpose? I mean, is there a file somewhere full of every e-mail sent by all the reporters at the “New York Times?” Is there a recording somewhere of every conversation I had with my little nephew in upstate New York? Is it like that?
TICE: If it was involved in this specific avenue of collection, it would be everything. Yes. It would be everything.
That boggles my mind. The government has been monitoring all electronic communication of every American....