Jury duty is truly an onerous part of being a member of society. It's like visiting a legal sausage factory.
3/4 of our dinner came from local sources--new potatoes, zucchini and raspberries. The potatoes and zucchini were grilled alongside the chicken. Yay for my foodshed!
I am also pro bubble bath.
(If it's the one down by Little Village, they have wireless by the way so you can bring your laptop if you want.)
Oh, sweet. I wasn't going to bother, but I may reconsider.
Also, I shared the whole polar bear thing with my sister, who found it hilarious. We've been going around mouthing "polar bear" at each other as the kids scrapped.
Bro and I make liberal use of polar bear and marmot (very handy around a 4 year old). We were working on other animals, but since those are the only ones we really use, the others haven't caught on.
Are jeans appropriate for jury duty? I'm dithering on what to wear.
I wouldn't wear jeans, on the assumption that you'll end up in a court room. Other people disagree with me.
I'd say no, shrift. But if varies from court to court. Some Clerks of Court are more stringent on dress codes. Go comfy but not too casual.
I have a skirt that still fits. I guess I'll go with that.
Who was it that mentioned that cats like to wash other cats' ears?
That would be me, and my freak cats.
Is it because the earwax tastes om nom nom nom?