After image googling, I voted Rainier. I stumbled across Queen Anne's some time fairly recently and was really wowed, though I couldn't tell you how they are different from other cherries, but they are that same kind of yellow and reddish fruit as Rainier, I think.
Eta actual information: There was a time when 'Bing' & 'Rainier' did not yet exist, & it was the Queen Anne cherry that ruled.
I'd lose the comma, despite the grammar quibble.
If anyone calls you on it they get some sort of prize. Then you're also being a good English teacher as well as a good graphic designer. And if NO ONE calls you on it, um, make them do laps. Or something.
I see stuff like "Go Giants" all the time.
erika, that is so freaking awesome. I have never met Moyers, but he'd be on the top o' the list, just like Cronkite was. That's very cool. I am sure your question wasn't stupid.
Java, can I help at all? I'd be happy to share whatever doggy lama wisdom I can provide.
Bonny, THANKS. I've actually thought many times about writing to you. Cayenne (and ALL 9 of her female siblings, I've since learned) came with an incredible shyness that it's a long and slow process to undo. I don't want to bore the board with the details, and some people know thanks to Facebook and LJ, but I've not really talked about it here. Nor do I want to, because...well, it's just exhausting and I come here to escape. :) But if you wouldn't mind some specific questions in an email, I'd be grateful.
If you translate Go, Falcons! into Latin it won't look silly at all if there's a comma or not. Also, I don't think the Romans used commas in their headlines... or whatever it is that you call the text on buildings and coins and whatnot.
Just another reason why Latin is still useful today.
I'm about to head out and hit some farmers' markets to try and score some more sour cherries. Holy crap are they good.
Timelies all!
Grocery shopping is on the list for today, as is buying a birthday gift for my dad.(His birthday was last week, but I won't see him until mid August)
Oh, that reminds me, I have to remember to stop by a certain rest stop on the Pennsylvania Turnpike tomorrow--they've got a great farmers market area in between the tunnels in the Allegheny Mountains, and it should be well stocked up on a Sunday afternoon.
Is anything funnier than Vince for Slap Chop saying, "You're gonna love my nuts"? I think no.
I mean, right?
OK, off to brunch. Why did I have a hearty breakfast? I kind of forgot about brunch. These are the perils of not really waking up before food and coffee.