Note to self: Don't do anything on live television if quester is watching.
I clearly remember the Challenger
I was outside watching with the rest of my office because we always watched the launches. We all knew what happened at the same time and ran inside to turn on the tv. It was horrible.
{{Cashmere}} Enough is enough. I'm sorry they keep putting you in this position. We have loaned money to various relatives. My dear SIL borrowed big bucks to buy her nail salon. (I had line of credit and she didn't) She paid off the entire thing with interest over 2 years. She rocks. BIL borrowed a small sum for a specific purpose, then used it for something else, and didn't pay us back. Grrrr. I don't think he will have the nerve to ask again.
I would just like to announce, before I wobble into the kitchen to make a salad the size of my head, that the elliptical machine is a tool of the devil.
Note to self: Don't do anything on live television if quester is watching.
I often don't watch my favorites when I'm watching figure skating, for just that reason.
ION, I happened to be home today for much of Obama's speech before the NAACP. I think he should be required to give major addresses at least once a week. What a pleasure it is to listen to him.
It's after ten on my night to clean the main floor, have so far succeeded in cleaning two rooms. The two smallest rooms, the foyer and the bathroom. Need to get off the interwebs.
it is cool to have a President that I do want to listen to.
Life can be sort of peaceful when you stop struggling.
I've heard that said of drowning, too.
So close! The correct response was, "It's a lot like drowning that way."