Oh nice. Jimmy Carter has cut ties with the Southern Baptist Convention:
"This view that women are somehow inferior to men ... has provided a reason or excuse for the deprivation of women's equal rights across the world for centuries. The male interpretations of religious texts and the way they interact with, and reinforce, traditional practices justify some of the most pervasive, persistent, flagrant and damaging examples of human rights abuses. ... It is simply self-defeating for any community to discriminate against half its population. ... The justification of discrimination against women and girls on grounds of religion or tradition, as if it were prescribed by a Higher Authority, is unacceptable."
I could not possibly love this man any more. I started tearing up reading the article: [link]
Apparently he did it years ago. Good religious behavior is rarely newsworthy.
That is awesome, Brenda. A GF of mine when I lived in Richmond worked as a secretary for some kind of governing board for the Southern Baptist Convention. She had many stories of the men she worked for not treating the women staff at all properly. What burned her the most is that she had to lie on her application because they didn't hire divorced people because immoral.
Go Jimmy!
The SBC make me freaking insane. In leaving behind what it means to be a baptist, they've given all of the rest of us a bad name!
If I were a stompy, I'd change your ID to Cowgirl Bad Name. Only for a minnit, though.
In leaving behind what it means to be a baptist, they've given all of the rest of us a bad name!
Large swaths of Christianity inspire that in me.
I clearly remember the Challenger -- I was cutting classes for the day and home watching TV. I had also stayed home "sick" the day Reagan got shot.
Bad things happen when I malinger, obviously.
The justification of discrimination against women and girls on grounds of religion or tradition, as if it were prescribed by a Higher Authority, is unacceptable.
ION, I just discovered that The Boy was unfamiliar with Homestar Runner. I rectified that immediately. And now I have "Trogdor! Burninating the countryside!" stuck in my head.
I was in summer camp during the moon walk. They pulled us all out of our tent cabins and had the entire camp sleep on the floor of the dining hall so we could watch it. I remember thinking, what's the big deal? It seemed like a normal thing, except that the adults were all worked up about it. YMLMV.
Polter-cow, I have discovered that one of my Indian coworkers who I secretly had thoughts of introducing to you, has been married for five years. Boy was I surprised. She doesn't wear a ring or a wedding necklace, I had no idea. Her marriage was arranged, and she is very happy. Her two best friends here are also very happy in their arranged marriages. S says it's the best decision she ever made - 10 years married. She was given the opportunity to say no the day before the ceremony, and she said okay.