It reads like a robbery gone wrong. In a not so healthy for me place, I admit that my initial thought was that one of the children was probably involved.
I have to say, I'm a bit relieved at the way it's playing out. If there can be any "relieved" about it.
BTW, today is the 40th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11, the first mission to land on the moon.
The actual landing was July 20th, 1969.
video of the launch: [link]
Wow, video quality of space launches has improved a lot in the last 40 years.
The first PTA meeting is at 5:00pm tonight. 5:00pm! Who can do 5:00pm on a weeknight? Crazy. My record of missing PTA board meetings is going to continue.
The first PTA meeting is at 5:00pm tonight.
And why on earth in July?!
That is odd, Gud.
I just figured out while I don't remember watching the coverage of the Apollo 11 launch. I remember the event well enough because I was 15. Since it was during the summer we were in Otter Lake at the time and we didn't have television! Years before cable and satellite. Of course this also meant that as kids we were out playing on the lake and in the woods and not on computers and video games.
t /old lady
My dad got us kids up special to watch the landing because it was late at night.
I was four during Apollo 11, so I don't remember any of it. I remember Apollo 17 (the last Apollo mission to land on the moon).
I really wanted to be an astronaut back then.
Laura, watch the movie A Walk on the Moon. It's all about what happens to a working-class New York family that summer of 1969, mostly set in a Catskills summer camp where the family stays and the husband joins them on the weekends, when he can get away from his tv repair job (everyone's getting their sets fixed so they can watch the moon landing).
It's a great film, with Liev Schrieber and Diane Lane as the parents, Anna Paquin as their daughter, Tovah Feldshuh is Liev's mom, and Viggo Mortensen is the traveling salesman who seduces Diane while hubby's at work.
And why on earth in July?!
I think this is the planning meeting for the upcoming year which is only a bit over a month away. It is also sort of the changing of the guard from last year's board to this year's. The time is more weird. I'm sure that some of the board members are SAHMs, but surely not all of them. The last two years I've been the only male board member, I expect that will continue.
The actual landing was July 20th, 1969.
I remember watching this, even though I was 15 months old. (This partially explains the Tolkien madness: my memory for certain kinds of information is extremely good. I remember learning to *walk*...but I can't remember birthdays. Or whether or not I've met someone before, sometimes.)
Yep: sitting on the floor of my parents' house in front of the HUGE console TV with all the colored knobs on the front (to control HUE and BRIGHTNESS and such). My mom says I was fussy because everyone was so enthralled they forgot to check the baby's (my) diaper for a while. I just vividly recall the images of a man in a white suit walking around on the grey dusty surface.
And I also wanted (want!) to be an astronaut.