too bad we can't inaugerate more often.
We should totally do that. Once a month we will re-inaugurate Obama.
And he should absolutely invite W. every. Single. Time.
Obama: ...and, for the ninteenth time, I promise to the American people to continue the work that has, to date, cured cancer, stopped global warming, ended terrorism and made everyone in America filthy stinking rich.
W.: Goddamn show-off. Cheney! Get me a beer!
Cheney: I can't get out of this chair, you moron! I'm aging rapidly!
W.: What about your Lazarus Pit?
Cheney: (muttering) Can't figure out how to convert the cocksucking thing to solar power.
W.: What about your Lazarus Pit?
Cheney: (muttering) Can't figure out how to convert the cocksucking thing to solar power.
The Tempel Lipizzans were in the Parade. (That would be another parade unit from Illinois.)
Hillary is confirmed.
and they found the plane engine in the Hudson.
White House Website Now 'Sodomite Publication,' says Religious Right
The editor of wrote:
The White House policies published on its new website confirms that Barack H. Obama intends to use his office to promote and maintain the sexual deviant criminal behavior of homosexuality (with malice aforethought).
Hey, it's criminal only in some states.
... Civil officials who approve of homosexuality, make the civil government a vile cesspool from which the abominations vomit out across the land. By displaying such a contempt for the administration of Justice by promoting this criminal behavior, "such civil officials are not only the source of the defilement, they are the criminals, and a hostile enemy authorizing the destruction of the society in which we live."
Do people here have any recommendations for sofa vendors, particularly in SoCal? I need to buy one soon and the last couch I got from Ikea was squishy and uncomfortable and the Macy's one broke. My candidates right now are Sofas Etc. and Crate & Barrel.
I'm not entirely happy with the Crate & Barrel sofa I got, but I did get excellent service.
We buy our stuffed furniture at the Mitchell Gold outlet in NC; they have a list of their vendors here [link] and they actually make a lot of the Pottery Barn stuff too. They are spendy (outlet is usually at least half off, which is the only way we can afford them) but excellent quality and made to last.