And now...
Nilly, there's an official date now! Yay! I'm so glad I decided to check if you told-the-wonderful-news-already-here today! (And hey, seriously - what's up with scheduling the wedding two days after your birthday?)
Ahg, people. My mind. Huge test tomorrow. Rome. I love it, but ouch.
Edit to add the very important "hey all!" that should have been here.
Shutting down to pack up the last and get dressed for the trip. See you in a couple weeks!
Have a great time, sarameg!
Happy, safe travels, sarameg!
All happiness Nilly & Khusband!
FredPete, I'm so sorry for your loss.
I have returned from a lovely time at the zoo with Barb, Stephanie and their children. Barb has the sweetest kids ever (they pushed our strollers! they played with Ellie!) and Ellie and Frisco are damn cute. Conclusion: Barb and Stephanie need to visit DC more often.
Have a great trip, Sara!!!
Have a wonderful time, sarameg!
And billions of congratulations to Nilly and Future Khusband! You do in fact have an American doppleganger who is married to a very doting and adoring pirate (I saw them once, a couple of years ago, at a church I occasionally attend, and words cannot express how
like you she looked or how
piratical he looked, down to the boots and the Captain Hook hair and the red velvet coat, or how utterly devoted and smitten they were).
But I am perfectly willing to set aside any dreams of an Israeli pirate for you in favor of the actual real-world joy of a best friend who's known you forever, who recognizes and cherishes your excellent Nillyness, and who had the wisdom and courage to ask for a second chance. That's not no story; that's a story to put other stories to shame.
Joy and love and blessings to both of you!
And (because it deserves a separate post), Fred Pete, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Teddy. Between you and DH and the dedicated vets who shepherded him through so many health scares, I don't think that cat lived for one second of all his many years in any doubt of just how much he was loved.