Crap, I should have known.
I'm not even saying it wasn't a good day to maybe wear a long-sleeve shirt, but seriously. At this point in the summer, it could be a million degrees and a zillion percent humidity, so no complaining when it's sunny and warm-not-hot.
What brand veggie sausage? The Tofurky brand is the best, I think, but I know other people who like Field Roast.
I got Morningstar because it was on sale and I usually like their stuff. I'll try the Tofurkey next.
brenda! You're eating veggie and bellydancing! It's like you're changing your life or something.
Not AMy, but DED of the cute and awesome.
OMG, Cash, I love your kid.
brenda! You're eating veggie and bellydancing! It's like you're changing your life or something.
I know! There should be a musical montage or something.
There should be a musical montage or something.
Are you dancing around your living room with your girlfriends to the strains of Motown?