When I was in Italy, there were several times that I asked someone for directions in Italian, and they responded in English. I mean, I know that I barely speak Italian and that it's obvious that I barely speak Italian, but was it that obvious that I was American?
(Stuff like that in Italy was interesting. Among the bunch of us, none of us spoke Italian, but we did each speak some other language, so whenever we needed directions or something and the person we were asking didn't speak English, we'd have to go through this whole, "Francais? Espanol? Deutch?" routine.)
I might have to buy myself some cowboy boots and an American flag shirt.
Heh. When Slim Pickins arrived at the studio in England for the filming of
Dr. Strangelove
dressed in cowboy regalia,
everyone else was remarking that, "Hey, he's already in costume," not realizing he always dressed that way.
hunh. forgot I had movies out from the library. glad I can do online renewal of overdue items. guess I'll be watching those tomorrow, then paying the library $30+ in fines on Monday.
I think I have been picturing the wrong Bermuda shorts. These are, like, photographic-looking prints of whales, etc.?
Harper's Island: OMG THIS SHOW.
:: mouth. agape.::
Whatever my outfits were that I wore in Paris, I think they all thought I was a whore (17 and dressing to impress in the 90's). I received many a weird look along the Seine one night.
uber preppy whale shorts [link]
I think I have been picturing the wrong Bermuda shorts. These are, like, photographic-looking prints of whales, etc.?
No, little tiny embroidered ones. Usually in green on pink, or yellow on light blue, or something like that.
When I was in Germany and Austria, people would come up to me and start talking in German. It was always a little weird to have to tell them "ich spreche nicht Deutsch! ich bin Americaner" Especially since, according to my friend Fritz, I speak my little bit of kindergarten German with a totally believeable accent.
My father's grandmother lived with his family for the whole time he was growing up. His grandmother only spoke German. My dad can barely stumble through a few words in German. When he needs to make himself understood, he can, but he's not even close to what you'd expect from someone who grew up with a one adult who only spoke German and two more who spoke it pretty frequently.