Play Girl
tackles the problem of premarital sex amongst college students (they're against it): Behind college doors… “The TRUTH about CAMPUS IMMORALITY” (Oct, 1965)
...When one sees these statements by college students we wonder where * in the name of good sense have the homes and churches been in the past few decades? Wallowing in permissiveness, ecumenicalism, pious platitudes involving international brinkmanship, right and left-wing menaces? (I have a feeling I’m in for trouble with those last two!) Have parents been so busy with their social cancers that they cannot give their children the sense of direction that they so sorely cry for in college.
I teach. United States History is my field of endeavor. I watch undisciplined young people trying to cope with a course that demands mental and intellectual discipline. Many of them barely succeed. If they barely succeed with the mental disciplines, where, then, will they succeed with the moral, spiritual, or psychological discipline of self-control? Selflessness? Is the young man with a young lady in a motel room thinking of her or their welfare? Hardly. He is just thinking, in most cases, of his own ego-nurturing attitude. Ask him later what type of girl he wants to marry, chances are he will think a second and say “well, she will have to be a nice girl.”
Kennedy released from hospital: [link]
OMG, from Tom's link - #33 just killed me. teary again.
The picture of Tommie Smith and John Carlos really got me. And 43 is a gorgeous portrait off Barack and Michelle.
Those are all great. Looking at #43--they are so totally my OTP, though the Bidens come close.
Picture 42 is kind of incredible, in its own way.
Ack. Black Wednesday here. A whole bunch of layoffs are taking place. Because of the kind of data we work with, people are getting pulled to HR individually and escorted out after they clean up their desks. This is bad. I think I'm OK in terms of not being cut, but the atmosphere around here is going to be awful (and the volume of work is about to go up considerably).
Oh Frank, that's so tough. I'm sorry you and your co-workers are facing this. The survivor's guilt can be tough, too.
What I've read says Bush, Sr. moved to TX in 1948, that puts W at 2 years old.
That sounds right to me. Walker's Point is the family's summer place and as far as I know -- it has been since Dorothy (GHWB) inherited it from her father. GHWB (like his father before him) was a Senator from CT, but W was raised in Texas.
Good luck, Frank. I'm sorry you have to go through the work drama.
Yeah, no one really lived at Walker Point year-round until Bush Sr. and Barbara started living there a few years ago. W went to prep school in New England, where I'm sure that accent would have been mocked, but until then, he lived in Texas.
Yeah, Cindy is right. W was born in New Haven, moved to Midland at age 2 and attended public school there through middle school. He went to prep school in New England (Exeter, I think, which is in NH or maybe Andover in MA) and then Yale, but spent ages 2-13 in Midland (except possibly for summers in Kennebunkport, I guess!)