What Amy said, msbelle.
and this mad me think
I need a live-in who does not want sex or money
with the economy what it is,I bet there are a lot of young people who want to live in NY and don't have the money. Do you have the space to take someone in in exchange for cleaning, errands, and babysitting?
And connie- that was a great reaction from your doctor. I love good doctors.
msbelle I've got no wisdom to add but can I just tell you that I admire the hell out of you for what you're doing for Mac?
Happy Birthday to SOX! And Dillo too!
Sophia, I really don't and it would be against my co-op rules anyway. I was just being funny.
ION - I HAVE done two little tasks that I usually avoid for week. done and done.
And connie- that was a great reaction from your doctor. I love good doctors.
Yeah, I lucked into him, he was the one on call when I ended up in the hospital a few years ago. He tells me I should lose weight, but he doesn't get too judgemental, because he could drop a few pounds himself.
Sigh. How is it only 2:00?
It's 2:00 where you are? No fair? It's only 1:06 here.
Hey, look at that. Turns out I had some rage left after all.
Stupid Tino.
Good on your doc connie and good on you for riding the wave until you can look favorably on the game again.
I need a live-in who does not want sex or money
I read a great article in a British paper last week about the surge in single parent families throwing in together to share space and resources. The story focused on two women and a man, with the kids, 7 in all. They share a 4 bedroom house they'd never afford on their own and there is always someone home to help with the kids. Plus, they can afford cleaning help, which I'm sure makes a huge difference in their potential for success or failure.
Given economic realities, this seems like a pretty good plan.
During the heyday 90's 'community cohousing' couldn't get a foothold in the cultural consciousness. Perhaps now it will have its day.
4:15 over here. Just got the little man settled. He was a bit troubled after his feed, but he seems ok now after some tummy rubs.