With all the excitement and whatnot, you know what Natter has been missing? Funny cat videos! This one is especially funny: Subwoofer Cat
It's a cat, sitting on a subwoofer and licking itself, while the subwoofer rapidly bounces the kitty up and down....
Shrift & Brenda, I should be able to be at Singha (sp?) around 6 or 6:15. Are we still a go? I have to be back at the theatre by 7:30.
I can do that - let's call it 6:15.
love the pic from this morning in the oval office on cnn.com.
Newspapers Covering Obama's Inauguration
Images of hundreds of newspapers from around the world - click on a newspaper to embiggen. Unfortunately, the embiggening function doesn't seem to be working - maybe bandwidth issues? But it's still cool to see the hundreds and hundreds of newspapers with the Inauguration on the front page....
I like that picture too.
What's funny about the technology generation is that with all the incessant coverage of the campaign and festivities for the past years, I kinda expect an Obamacam, where I can put him in the corner of my browser window and, you know, watch democracy happen. Like puppycam, but with leadership.
Well, you can watch him pulling out some old-time dance moves here, including an old favorite, The Bump.
I kinda expect an Obamacam, where I can put him in the corner of my browser window and, you know, watch democracy happen. Like puppycam, but with leadership.
"What's he doing? Is he dead?"
"He's just sleeping."
"Awww...what a cute widdle weader of the fwee wowld. Yes, he is. Yes, he *is*."
"I think you mean 'Yes, we can.'"