Oh, I saw a cool t-shirt the other day - it said:
Meat is murder.
Tasty, tasty murder.
Well, I couldn't read the whole thing, but I think the first word of line two was "Tasty."
eta: found it: [link]
Also, where we talking about this the other day?
Or was it in Bitches?
Yeah, that's a Threadless shirt.
P-C, did you see my edit with this link?
That was you talking about something similar, right?
For those who
the song "We Built This City": [link]
That was you talking about something similar, right?
Ha, I was talking about every picture of you being of when you were younger. It's a Mitch Hedberg joke.
Part of the issue with civil unions as opposed to marriage is that many laws are written with "marriage" as a term of art. If you are not "married", you may not have the particular right that is afforded to someone with that particular legal status.
And without DOMA, that would include your gay-married, correct?
My rage has turned into apathy.
My rage has turned into apathy.
As all rage must unless it turns into incarceration.
And without DOMA, that would include your gay-married, correct?
That's far from settled, and in some states legislation has been passed to prevent it anyway. Also some things, such as the tax code,
federal in nature even though marriages are performed by the states. But without DOMA they wouldn't have that to hide behind, at least.
OTOH, I think DC officially recognizes all marriages beginning today. So yay on them.
I don't think I should have mentioned my hatred of the Green Lantern in my dating profile. No one wants to kiss me, but they all want to debate the merits of the green bastard, and whether or not Aquaman sucks more.
I do not think this raises my sex appeal.