Is Michael Jackson still dead?
His twitter feed would probably tell you. If there isn't anything or just stuff about meeting Elvis, then dead. If there is just a lot of "Brains....Brains....", then undead. If there is a lot of snickering or stuff about hiding with Elvis, then alive.
Because the only way it could interest me right now is if he hops out of the coffin.
Unfortunately we have CNN on in the office kitchen permanently and it seems to be all-Michael, all-the-time.
This is totally my cat and her way of thinking.
She was thrilled when I noticed that she had eaten almost all of her food before I left for work this morning, so I decided to supplement it a bit with a fraction of a scoop to tide her over until I get home tonight.
The media coverage of this is ridic. hey look, Iran, and Honduras, and China, OH and the TWO WARS we are still fighting.
The media coverage of this is ridic. hey look, Iran, and Honduras, and China, OH and the TWO WARS we are still fighting.
Need I remind you that he is the guy who invented MOONWALKING!
That sounds like a Wondermark punchline.
I guess it hasn't happened yet, but it sounds like it will. Apparently Gov. Parry is considering putting Cynthia Dunbar, who is opposed to public education in principal, to be chairwoman of the state school board.
Talk of Dunbar's potential role draws cheers, jeers
Conservative Christian may be in running to lead state education board
In a book published last year, Dunbar argued the country’s founding fathers created “an emphatically Christian government” and that government should be guided by a “biblical litmus test.” She endorses a belief system that requires “any person desiring to govern have a sincere knowledge and appreciation for the Word of God in order to rightly govern.”
Also in the book, she calls public education a “subtly deceptive tool of perversion.”
The establishment of public schools is unconstitutional and even “tyrannical,” she wrote, because it threatens the authority of families, granted by God through Scripture, to direct the instruction of their children.
Dunbar home-schooled her own children.
Wow, thank you Texas for making Kansas look sane.
It's been an hour since I requested information from them that should be all of 2 words, and nothing.
Ah well, if it doesn't get done, it's because they ignored my deadline.
The media coverage of this is ridic. hey look, Iran, and Honduras, and China, OH and the TWO WARS we are still fighting.
Seriously, it's on *every* channel. He's not a head of state, people. I just don't get it.
All I can say about the funeral coverage is thank God for BBC America!