I always think bomb makers should use the same color wires, just to be mean. I mean, you're already making a bomb, your anti-social cred is made. Go the rest of the way.
Bomb defusing manual writers should make sure that the words "But first," never appear appear in your instructions.
Is it just me, or does the Fall 2009 TV Season look especially lame?
Last year I had shows I couldn't watch because I didn't have room on my DVR.
Over half the shows I'm watching in the fall are on Thursday.
Is it just me, or does the Fall 2009 TV Season look especially lame?
Well, it looks like I will be dropping Heroes, because it's up against HIMYM and House.
I'll be watching almost nothing but reality.
There are huge chunks of time where there is nothing I am remotely interested in and then small chunks where everything is on at once. I hope some stuff gets moved.
I'll be dropping Heroes because it SUCKS.
I'll be dropping Heroes because it SUCKS.
Well, that too, but I was willing to give it one more chance.