I read In Cold Blood when I was in high school, just because it was on the bookshelf in my room and I found the story compelling. But of course I remember nothing about the book as a book now.
Why else would she redo without looking? Looking=gathering data. Not looking and redoing sounds like something didn't get taken right, no data to gather.
Well, the first set (front) she went and looked at, then asked to redo the left side. Then went to look at the next set and had the same technical error when doing the side set, but again only on the left. And then took an extra image of the left front for good measure? I dunno. Sounds like maybe looking for something to me.
They clearly mooned us.
Sure, but they call it "earthing"
I had that happen, Burrell, and the tech told me the reason, which unfortunately I don't remember, but it was nothing worrying. Something like my boobs were denser than average or the squishing wasn't fully effective. Really was just about getting a good picture, not what the picture meant.
I think
In Cold Blood
would be more likely to hold the attention of high school students. Murder! Prison! Deviance!
My laptop, it is alive! ALIVE!!! I spilled an entire glass of ginger ale across the keyboard and killed it ded. Although I guess not All Dead. We'll see how long this lasts. At least until I hook my external hard drive up and clear off the rest of my music and videos and resume.
Glad you got the book, Kat!
More fun than PuppyCam? PlinthCam art project in Trafalgar Square! For the next 99 days, they're filming someone on top of the plinth in front of the British museum for an hour at a time.
I hate laundry. I want a laundry elf.
I love laundry. There's maybe 15 minutes of actual work for me per load. I can slounge on the couch, reading fic and listening to the washing machine do its thing, and feel like I'm accomplishing something. Unlike, say, vacuuming or dusting, where I have to actually be doing something throughout the entire process.
My laptop, it is alive! ALIVE!!!
Yay! Good luck with the data recovery.