Whyfor the passports, Kat?
My day was spent mostly seeing the doctor. She was nice, nothing is wrong, but she decided to just go ahead and take care of every test that had come due, which meant, among other things, an unplanned mammogram. A bit time consuming.
Tell me I shouldn't be overly concerned that the technician felt the need to redo all the images on the left side. Right? Because it weirded me out and has left me wondering what she saw.
Possibly Canada, Burrell. Plus options and the ability to prove citizenship and ID for someone who otherwise doesn't have any. If I could get Grace to the post office I'd get her one too. More pressing, in fact, to get her one.
Burrell, I'd think more technical error than something scary.
I expect that's the reason sarameg, but when she opted to take another scan of the breast without even examining the previous image, I got suspicious.
That sounds like "oh shit, I fucked up procedure" even more if she hadn't seen the first.
My passport expired a few months ago and I haven't gotten a new one yet. I should do that soon.
Okay. That's good to hear.
Why else would she redo without looking? Looking=gathering data. Not looking and redoing sounds like something didn't get taken right, no data to gather.
So breathe, hon.
Totally. There's no way there was anything to see, for whatever technical reason.
DH and I had to have to the cleaning talk again. He has really high standards in the kitchen. Which is great. However, he doesn't clean it every day, or even every week. He is not allowed to complain - unless he keeps things to his standard. If he never wants to clean, so be it. It just won't be to his standards. I'm not sure he actually belives me when I say that I don't care if he cleans or not, really - only complaining about the state of the house when there are only two adults in the house... fix it or deal.
Of course , I haven't been able to see very well for a week , so the house is on the evil side right now.