You can renew by mail if you have your old passport, if it's undamaged, and if it was issued after the age of 16. (Oh, it also would need to have been issued within the last 15 years.)
I do believe I'll be applying for a new one. I was... erm... fourteen when I got the sucker and it was never renewed and it's definitely going to be more than fifteen years, seeing as I turn forty-two next month.
Thanks, Dana! You're a goddess!
Paris is WONDERFUL. Parisians, OTOH, not so much.
I knew I wanted to go to Paris before I turned 30, so I saved money for a year and did it. Great trip. Spent a week in London and two weeks in Paris. But I don't know what happened to that passport and that's the last time I've been out of the country (some 18 years now).
I got several mosquito bites during the fireworks display and I am DYING of the itch.
The Benadryl topical gel is a godsend.
::also bitten up on the Fourth::
I loved Paris and liked the Parisians I met. NSM the waiters, but the kids were cool.
It was the Parisian bag lady that attached DH outside of Gare du Nord that broke the camel's back for us. Oh, and the Louvre being closed on the one day we could visit.
I also suspect that some of my ancestors were with Henry V at Agincourt.
I've got the Bendryl cream and I'm still itchy. Might take some oral Bendryl, too, later.
I don't think not having a passport is weird; they are expensive. I know since I have to buy two each time.
I guess I'm helping make up for the people with none.
ETA: Ignoring Cash
I don't have a passport and have never been out of the country, much as I would like to. It irks that after nearly four years of living *thisclose* to Canada and not getting up there, *now* I would need a passport to do it, too.
I'm just telling myself that eating less is probably about the same for me as for people who are trying to quit smoking. It's hard, but it can be done. It's frustrating to always want to eat.
The thing is, it's not like quitting smoking, in that you can quit smoking entirely. Eating, not so much.
I'm with Hec with the exception that most of the waiters we encoutered were also lovely helpful people. Some of them even let me speak broken horrible French at them.