I love web footed friends!
I'm very glad, years ago, I spent the 4th on the Mall. I ran into friends from college down in NC and helped complete strangers carry their exhausted kids to the Metro in an hours long shuffle. I've done the inner harbor and been trapped in a parking garage, using a sheet I have in my car give privacy to an embarrassed 11 year old who REALLY HAD TO PEE (in a cup.) But I'm happy to be gone nowhere tonight.
I've neve seen the fireworks make pictures, but I have been fascinated by it every since Uncle somebody in Eight Cousins had the fireworks make 8 thistles and a Rose for Rose and her cousins.
The fireworks are going through their finale right now, I think, and Amarna's just chilling in the dining room. She was jolting more yesterday when some of my neighbors were setting off loud 'works and 'crackers.
Uncle somebody
It was either Uncle Alec (her guardian) or Uncle Mac (the merchant and Mac and Steve's father, married to Aunt Jane)--I think it was Alec's idea. I'll have to pull out my copy of that book!
I love watching Devi and Loki bolt down the stairs. They are hilarious. Slower, they are ungainly demented bunnies. Loki at full tilt is something else. No grace, all speed. It is coordinated, sure but somehow goofy.
I don't laugh at MK, because he is slow and deliberate.
For Sophia: Behind the scenes at the Bauer barbecue! (I didn't actually watch it.)
I spent the 4th on the Mall. I ran into friends from college down in NC
I've been to see the fireworks at Taste of Chicago on the 3rd (timed to not compete with the suburbs on the 4th) a few times, and am glad not to do that again. I'm too old for the crowds and heat. The last time was pretty fun though--it was back in 1991 or so, and the 3rd was midweek, so most people were working. We left Mom's house after rush hour and parked at the Grant Park garage around 10:30 or so in the morning, just as Taste was opening for the day. We picked up some early lunch, then headed to State Street to shop at Fields. By 3:00, we dropped off our purchases, grabbed our blanket and our books, then staked out our spot in the park, which was already filling up. The people next to us offered us beer and wine coolers, we read until 5:00 when I headed out and picked up our dinner.
As we finished eating an hour later (took me some time to get back), surrounded by people, someone slipped her arm around my back and said, "Fancy meeting you here!" It was our old neighbors from the block I grew up on, who were sitting two blankets behind us! We moved back to join them, and were able to take our bathroom breaks at the Palmer House, where they were spending a few days (their anniversary present from their kids).
So I'm at a bar, which isostly deserted, because NYC is empty on July 4, and the DJ is playing nothing but Jackson 5 songs. It's kind of awesome.
Seems like all the fireworks I see anymore make some kind of picture.
"Dude! CUTE zombie!"
Well, you are.
Perkins new kitty is cute too.
We're back from 4th of fun. Emmett had a good time because: (a) somebody brought their miniature poodle (Nigel), who was sweet; (b) there was a lot of grilled meat; (c) there was a wide variety of pies; (d) they had a trampoline in the back yard.
I had fun for the same reasons. Matilda had fun playing with Ruby (plus pie and trampoline). JZ had fun with her friends, Ruby and pie.
When I took Emmett to the Lego store earlier in the day I spotted this. So I felt obliged to get it for Matilda. Who is, indeed, contentedly playing with it now.
Emmett has locked himself in his room with his newest Lego acquisition and we shan't see him until bedtime.
Lewis is convinced the Boston 4th was produced by a Jack Russell Terrier with the weird randomness of the shots for the fireworks spectacular.