marigolds that were three and four feet off the ground, with now signs of climbing or bending the plant over.
That's what made me so sure it couldn't be a rabbit. But Leo called my attention to the window this morning, and sure enough there was a rabbit in my flower bed. He's a sneaky little polarbear.
so I had breakfast at the cafe -- started stuff for the dish I am bringing to this afternoons gathering and cursed my reaction to this stupid drug. ( nprednison -- whic effed up my blood sugar so much that I have Temporarily lost my distance vision)
all that might be floolwed by a name. on anther ep of hereos on this pretty laptop
The blueberries I've gotten this year have been seriously underwhelming.
Is it just me, or is the entire idea of Tweeting a Passion Play kind of absurd?
While hundreds of worshipers watched the traditional dramatization of the Crucifixion from pews in the church, one of New York’s oldest, thousands more around the world followed along on smartphones and computers as a staff member tweeted short bursts of dialogue and setting (“Darkness and earthquake,” “Crucify him!”).
The trouble began in the second hour.
Twitter’s interactivity — its essence — made it easy for an anonymous text-messager to insert an unscripted character into the Passion play: a Roman guard who breezily claimed, “I’ve got dibs on his robe.” When another texter introduced a rogue Mary Magdalene, the intrusion only confirmed the obvious: Twitter’s trademark limit of 140 characters per message is no bar against crudity.
Yesterday, there were some people doing something similar and Tweeting a Torah portion. I don't get it.
It was more fun when there was a semaphore craze -- all that arm waving was at least entertaining.
EPA protection sought for giant, spitting worms that smell like lilies [link]
I made a delicious salad with cucumbers, onions, red and yellow bell peppers, green beans, cherry tomatoes, garlic, fresh basil, olive oil, and vinegar. Later, I'm going to make a green curry that I hope will burn my face off.
But first, I will nap now that I've finished watching the Wimbledon Women's Final.
I just made a mess and pissed off a nice nurse. But I was waiting for them to discharge me for so long that the nausea came back, and they weren't going to give me more of those meds. Those are at home. Where the Champeenship Ladies Final Wimbledon also is.
I just didn't expect all that blood everywhere. Now the nice lady probably hates me, but I'd been waiting to go home over an hour.
Dana, why would your husband turn off a taping VCR? Isn't that when you leave them alone the most?
You would think so. I guess he didn't realize it was taping? Fortunately, I have a torrent downloading, but it's going to take forever. The tape caught up to 2-2 in the second set, and I am having to avoid all news outlets in an attempt to not be spoiled.
I did download the Federer-Haas semi, though, and am watching that.