Somali Pirates Free Saudi Tanker
A Saudi super-tanker that was captured by Somali pirates in November carrying two million barrels of oil has been released, unconfirmed reports say.
The Sirius Star was reportedly seen moving south-east away from the Somali coast. A pirate spokesman was quoted as saying the pirates had left the vessel.
It would be such an awesome job to be a pirate spokesman. I wonder if just any pirate can be a pirate spokesman? Or maybe they save it for the pirates who can no longer participate in actual piracy? Like maybe there's a rule that if you have a total of three or more peg legs and hooks, or if you have two eye patches, or if you're allergic to parrots, you can't board ships anymore but you can be the pirate spokesman if you want.
I should really get the complete Northern Exposure box set on DVD.
Yes! Yes, you should. Everyone should. We have it; I got it for my birthday a couple of years ago, and it's fabulous! Dave's been watching indiscriminately, but we've been watching together, in order, regularly. We just started season four, and we've just gotten to an episode that neither of us had seen (the one with Maurice's clock) and it was awesome.
It's such a freaking good show. The continuity, oh, the continuity. And storytelling and character development. And Alaska!
The first job I had in Columbus was less than 2 minutes away from my apartment. I used to go home every single day to eat lunch and walk the dog and I'd watch NE on A&E. I'm fairly sure I've seen every episode more than once. I never tire of it.
Man, I'm getting tired of the whole Burris appointment kerfuffle. I think almost everyone in the whole mess is annoying.
I understand Reid making his stand when the Blago scandal broke, but he claimed legal authority he just doesn't have. Legally, Reid has to seat the guy.
In a couple of interviews I've seen, Burris seems to act completely oblivious of the controversy about Blago making an appointment. That just seems intellectually dishonest to me. The appointment itself may be perfectly legal, but come on, the controversy isn't hard to understand.
Then there's Bobby Rush who keeps talking about racism, again ignoring the controversy about Blago's attempt to sell the seat, even though the decision about seating an appointment was made before there was any appointee.
The whole thing is so messed up. Just seat the guy, acknowledge there is no legal authority to keep a legally appointed senator out of the senate, and call upon the Illinois legislature to do something about it since only they can actually do something. Yeah, it'll be bad for Reid, but he made the stupid move in trying to overextend his actual authority.
Miss Bush already? No, me neither. (Wait—he hasn't left yet?) But if you find Obama's ability to speak complete English sentences tiresome, you can go back to a simpler time with the George W. Bush random quote generator.
I have to confess a certain admiration for the way Burris is acting. He knows his story and he's calmly sticking to it. Yeah, he could use an extra talking point or two, but that calmness is refreshing.
Gud, ITA. I'm getting tired of Reid in gereral and wish the Senate Dems would pick a different majority leader.
I swear, I'm expecting them to set the White House on fire before they leave. Sheesh (in lieu of some stronger statements).