Here's my current hygiene question: What is up with the people who use the paper towel to touch all the doors on their way out of the bathroom? I figure those are the cleanest doorknobs around, since most people at least make a half-assed effort to wash their hands in the bathroom
I dunno, but I figure they are the same people who do unspeakable things to the toilet seats so that they never have to touch them. Fucktards!
Actually, some people don't wash their hands afterwards. I've noticed one coworker who never washes her hands - doesn't even make a pass at it. Also, even if they do wash their hands, some people don't dry them well, so the handles are wet. ick.
What is up with the people who use the paper towel to touch all the doors on their way out of the bathroom? I figure those are the cleanest doorknobs around, since most people at least make a half-assed effort to wash their hands in the bathroom.
It's recommended in a lot of the handwashing guidelines I've seen. You're factoring in those people who don't wash their hands.
It's recommended in a lot of the handwashing guidelines I've seen. You're factoring in those people who don't wash their hands.
Of course, those same people touch the other doors you may have to go through. I don't think bacteria die that quickly or easily, so unless your walking around with gloves on, your going to get it somewhere.
It's recommended in a lot of the handwashing guidelines I've seen. You're factoring in those people who don't wash their hands.
I guess.... I just feel like the doors that people touch when they're getting off the subway, have been coughing into their hands all afternoon, and etc. have got to be at least as bad.
More fun ads! Top 10 Ironic Ads From History
UNION CARBIDE "Science helps build a new India"
Oh. My. God.
"More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette."
When it first released Rebel Without A Cause, Warner Brothers was concerned that kids would ape James Dean's character and wind up driving off cliffs. (A problem, of course, because the kids' relatives would likely sue the company.) To distance themselves from copycat incidents preemptively, Warner Brothers had Dean film this public service announcement urging kids to ""Take it easy driving out there. The life you save might be mine." Alas, the clip was never used because Mr. Dean was killed in his speeding Porsche shortly before the movie was released.
Didja know that a modern analysis showed Dean was not speeding when he was killed?
How Women Will Be Hurt by Gay Marriage:
The social history behind this piece is clear: once they've experienced sex with other men, Catullus tells us, men are unsatisfied with what their new wives provide them. Notice that the poet is unconcerned about the husband's dallying with other women -- it's the other men around that threaten the marital union.
Let the record show!
At the risk of getting too explicit, I leave it the reader's basic grasp of anatomy to figure out why in ancient Rome a man who found pleasure in a woman, could also find pleasure in a man, while the record shows that a heterosexual woman rarely found sexual satisfaction in the company of another woman.
The losers from all this will be the vast majority of women. With full social sanction given to homoerotic activity, the historical precedent suggests that tomorrow's women will have a harder time finding and holding on to suitable men. As women will suffer, so will the vitality and stability of the nuclear family.
It all makes so much more sense now! If we only looked at ancient Rome...
I never do it. What annoys me are the people who used the paper towel on the door and then throw it on the ground outside the bathroom.
The bathroom talk reminds me that today at Target, as I was checking out, I saw my cashier's eyes go wide and she leaned in and whispered to me, "Look behind you." And in the next aisle was a man with toilet paper trailing from the waistband of his shorts. My cashier was like, "I ain't tellin' him. That's worse than havin' it on your shoe."
How Women Will Be Hurt by Gay Marriage:
Heh. I once heard a "feminist" view that male homosexuality hurts women, as there are fewer men for women to date/marry....