Again, thanks for the birthday happies. I did decide to blow off going up to Maine, at least for today. And, lo-and-behold, it seems to have stopped raining. Which will probably last until about halfway through where ever I try to go later.
Yep, I'm being lazy. I think I get to today.
I'm bored. And there seems to be far fewer blog posts today, pro'lly because of the upcoming holiday weekend.
Sears Tower: New glass 'ledges' lead to high anxiety
So you can stand on the 103rd floor, with nothing but glass beneath your feet....
Pumping your own gas is just wrong. ::nods::
What is wrong with you people? I'm too much of a control freak to let anyone pump my gas. I love my car. I don' want no one messin' wit my car.
Happy birthday, Frank! I hope there's cake.
What is wrong with you people? I'm too much of a control freak to let anyone pump my gas. I love my car. I don' want no one messin' wit my car.
It's just gas!
I left my watch at home. I feel neekid.
A couple of summers ago we drove through Oregon on the way to a softball tournament and I purposely stopped for gas there. The kids were kinda freaked out to have service at a service station.
Happy Birthday, Frank!!!
Mom had a worrying crisis when the owner of the last local full service station retired and she was faced with the prospect of pumping her own gas. I don't quite get how a woman who held our family together through Dad's brain surgery and paralysis, kept a roof over our heads despite hundreds of thousands in medical bills, and managed the care of her mother for two years once strokes rendered her invalid could find pushing a spigot into the gas tank and squeezing the handle such a daunting challenge.
It's just gas!
I'm very protective of my car, and gas-station attendants in Oregon are strange animals. They get defensive and confrontational if you get out of your car.
That Sears tower thing is wrong wrong wrong. I could feel my legs give out just watching it on tv.
And the therapist forgot she wanted to see me every week while mac is having big issues, so I traveled an hour and now have to kill another hour before she can see me, and the I have to go home and bring mac back by 6. Joy - what do you think the universe is trying to tell me?