And I think I am sick. I hate that feeling where you have felt a little off for a few days, a bit headachy and so on, and then, at some point, you realize that you are actually going to get sick. Really annoying.
This was me leading up to the last few days (called in sick today because on top of feeling teh ick, I couldn't sleep worth a damn last nigh), and yeah, I hate knowing when sick is on the horizon.
Neighborhood ball is on ABC. I am watching CNN.
This is the only pic I've seen of the dress so far.
[link] First pic I've seen.
Watching either ABC or MSNBC. switching
The dress looks nice in that pic, as does the white tie.
Beyonce's boobs look low.
On my TV, you couldn't see any detail, and the flowers looked like random white baubles.
It reminds me of Ginger Rogers. I dig it.
Beyonce's boobs look low.
Was not liking that either!
I continue in my dislike of the dress. It looks like one of those tufted chenille spreads my grandmother kept on the guest bed.
Closer look at the dress now at the next ball. I know the fabric is not the same, but it reminds me of a white cotton bedspread I had at one time. She looks lovely. Dance the night away Obamas. I hope you wore comfy shoes.