I am so glad you went sara!
I think Kat might be at the ball with Fall Out Boy!
I felt a little bad for the republicans at work, as people actually stood up and cheered during the showing of the inauguration. My department, with the crazy Hussein nonsense, is the minority in the school as a whole.. I almost think the public viewing and cheering will add fuel to the thoughts of conservatives that they are being oppressed.
And I think I am sick. I hate that feeling where you have felt a little off for a few days, a bit headachy and so on, and then, at some point, you realize that you are actually going to get sick. Really annoying.
She's something all right. Her health isn't nearly as good as the article makes out which makes it more remarkable.
It's really cool that you were there sarameg.
I'm heartwarmed by the Buffistas that could make it to the event. Lifetime memories, there.
Gud! Damn. 113. And didn't want to be a bother. Good on her for taking care of herself. Fie on the writer for the typo in the picture caption.
An article about DW's great grandmother.
Wow, DW comes from good stock there.
Oh! The beautiful first couple dressed for the ball.
Obama's in ball clothes on CNN.
Michelle's dress seems to have baubles...
Okay, as much as I like Michelle Obama, that dress is a mistake. She looks like someone went crazy with the pastry frosting cone.
Well, I'm reserving judgment, until I get a good look, but I was distracted by the dingle balls or whatever they are.
NYT says Jason Wu is the designer.